Denver Hit & Run Attorney
If you have been accused of fleeing the scene of an accident, you could be facing very serious charges. The circumstances of the accident will determine the potential punishments you are facing. These punishments can include more than a year in prison, probation, and large fines and fees. Hit and run defense attorney Michael Sheehan fights for his clients using years of experience and extensive knowledge in defending clients throughout Denver. Contact Michael Sheehan today to speak with a Denver hit and run defense attorney who will defend your rights.
Misdemeanor and Felony Hit and Run
It is a very serious thing to leave the scene of an accident. The charges you face are dependent upon the severity of the accident. Provided only property was damaged in the accident, you could be charged with a simple misdemeanor. However, if there was a person injured in the accident, the prosecution can choose to file felony hit and run charges against you. Michael Sheehan has had great success getting felony charges reduced to misdemeanor charges, and also had success defending against felony charges at trial. His primary goal is protecting your rights and getting you the best possible outcome in your case.

Skilled Denver Hit and Run and DUI Defense Attorney
It’s possible that hit and run charges are only part of the allegations you are facing. DUI and hit and run charges are often filed together. Michael Sheehan has extensive DUI defense experience, and knows how to evaluate the facts in your case in order to create a defense strategy that covers each and every charge you are facing. He has the knowledge and courtroom experience required to successfully defend complex criminal cases.
When you’ve been arrested or ticketed for fleeing the scene of an accident, it’s important to contact a Denver hit and run defense attorney immediately discuss your case. Contact Michael Sheehan today to discuss what defenses may be available in your hit and run or DUI case. Michael Sheehan represents clients in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, or Jefferson County, and U.S. District Courts.