Denver Fraud Attorney
A conviction for a Forgery offense can forever brand a person as “untrustworthy”, and can have a long lasting, negative effect on a person’s ability to maintain gainful employment. Depending on the facts of the case, a person may be facing either misdemeanor or felony charges, and therefore may be sentenced to prison time if convicted. There are many different theories of prosecution when it comes to these types of offenses, and it takes an experienced attorney to understand how construct the most effective defense for his client. Contact Michael Sheehan, Fraud-Identity Theft-Forgery Defense Attorney Denver, today to discuss possible defenses to your assault charges.
Contact Mr. Sheehan, Criminal Lawyer Denver, today to discuss what defenses may be available in your Fraud, Forgery, or Identity Theft case. Michael Sheehan represents clients in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, or Jefferson County, and U.S. District Courts.