Denver DUID Attorney
Contact Mr. Sheehan, Criminal Lawyer Denver, today to discuss what defenses may be available in your DUID case. Michael Sheehan, DUID Lawyer Denver, represents clients in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, or Jefferson County, and U.S. District Courts.

What is your experience in handling CO DUI cases?
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I’ve been handling DUI cases since 2003
and I’ve handled thousands of DUI cases
of all shapes and sizes some involving
blood test results others involving
breath test results and some involving a
refusal to take a blood or a breath test
and in those cases involving a refusal
an attorney is going to want to be
looking at the justification that a
person might have for refusing a blood
or breath test and that of course
depends on all the facts and the
circumstances of a case in other cases
involving a blood or breath test an
attorney needs to make sure that those
tests were properly conducted that the
tools used to record those test results
were properly calibrated and we’re
functioning properly at the time of the
test and also that the police officer
who is administering those tests was
following proper police protocol not
taking any shortcuts these days just
about every DUI investigation is
captured on a police worn body camera so
that’s essential viewing for an attorney
handling these types of cases to really
take a very close and critical look at
what a police officer is doing to make
sure that that officer is doing things
by the book and crossing the t’s and
dotting the eyes in the way that these
investigations are supposed to be done
If I’m arrested for DUI in CO, will I lose my license?
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if a person is convicted of DUI in
Colorado that person is going to have 12
points assessed against his or her
driver’s license which is going to
trigger a driver’s license suspension
and similarly if a person refuses a
blood or breath test or takes a blood or
breath test and the result is above the
legal limit that person will be ordered
to appear for a hearing before the
Department of Revenue hearings Division
and at that point there will be a legal
dispute about whether that person’s
driving privileges should be revoked so
any experienced DUI attorney in Colorado
is going to also be experienced at
handling those Department of Revenue
hearings as well because they are a
companion piece to just about every DUI
case that’s filed in the state of
What defenses might be raised in CO DUI cases?
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in DUI cases an experienced attorney is
going to look to challenge the results
of a blood test or a breath test or in a
case where the test was refused by the
suspect there might be a good
justification for refusing the test so
an attorney is going to interview his
client look at all the facts and
circumstances of a case and put together
the best defense for that client in that
thank you