Denver Burglary Attorney
Colorado Burglary, Robbery, and Theft statutes contain many complex elements. Depending on how a particular case has been charged, a defendant may be facing a substantial amount of mandatory prison time if convicted of one of these offenses. Mr. Sheehan, Denver Burglary Defense Attorney, has extensive experience defending individuals in cases such as this, and understands that there are several trial-tested defenses that can be asserted to successfully defend against these types of charges.
Burglary Charges in Denver
Burglary is a theft offense that happens when a person breaks into and enters another person’s home without permission and with the intent of committing a criminal offense, such as theft or violent crime. Burglary is typically associated with theft, however, for a burglary charge to occur, no theft has to have been committed.
In the state of Colorado, when you’re convicted on a burglary charge, you may have to serve jail time, perform community service, pay fines and restitution, or even be sentenced to prison. Many times, those charged with burglary will plead guilty in order to face less-harsh sentencing. This can be a big a mistake because burglary offenses can often result in a loss of current and future employment, as well housing and schooling opportunities many years into the future. Before you choose to plead guilty to a burglary charge, it is in your best interest to discuss your legal options with a skilled Denver burglary attorney.

Denver Burglary Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with burglary in Denver or its surrounding area, it’s important that you take the time to meet with an aggressive Denver burglary attorney who keeps your best interests at heart. Michael Sheehan has extensive experience handling theft crime cases like burglary, and he applies his skill and knowledge throughout the entire legal process. He is able to identify weaknesses and flaws in opponents’ cases, and will expose those flaws in order to achieve the best possible results for his clients.
Contact Mr. Sheehan, Criminal Lawyer Denver, today to discuss what defenses may be available in your Burglary, Robbery, or Theft case. Michael Sheehan represents clients in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, or Jefferson County, and U.S. District Courts.