What possible defenses might be available in CO domestic violence cases?
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in domestic violence cases self-defense
is a common defense defense of others is
also a common defense and just as common
is the defense that the allegations
being made up from thin air and that
nothing actually happened and it’s just
a baseless allegation that’s uh based on
the alleged victim’s word essentially it
comes down to it he said she said type
of criminal case
What are the penalties for domestic violence in CO?
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the penalties for domestic violence are
are wide-ranging they could range from
probation on the low end to a lengthy
prison sentence on the high end it
depends on whether it’s a felony case or
a misdemeanor case it depends on whether
the person charged has any type of
criminal history and it depends on the
facts of the case
What is your experience in handling CO domestic violence cases?
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I’ve been handling domestic violence
cases since 2003 I’ve seen all different
shapes and sizes of domestic violence
cases no two cases are exactly the same
but an attorney who’s experienced
handling those types of cases does tend
to see patterns develop over time in
terms of the defenses that apply to
those cases
Denver Domestic Violence Attorney
Domestic violence cases are unique in that police contact on a report of domestic violence typically results in someone getting arrested, regardless of the strength of the allegation. Unfortunately, victims usually have little say in whether charges are brought forth once police become involved. Regardless of who calls the police, once they have reason to believe that domestic violence may have occurred, someone will go to jail. Because of this, domestic violence cases often go to trial, with many resulting in acquittals.
When you’re charged with domestic violence, you need a Denver domestic violence attorney on your side immediately. It is essential that you contact an attorney to discuss the facts of your case, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution’s case, and the long lasting effects that a guilty plea to a domestic violence charge could bring.
Due to quick procedures in Colorado law, analysis and case investigations must begin as soon as possible. False accusations are common in domestic violence cases. Jealousy, custody battles and animosity can all provide motive to exaggerate and lie. Rarely are police able to accurately evaluate situations such as self-defense immediately on the scene, so they arrest first and ask the important questions later. It takes a highly-experienced Denver domestic violence attorney defend you and your story, and Michael Sheehan has all the tools necessary to successfully defend your case.

Cases such as these can have a far-reaching impact on your life. Affecting everything from your parental rights to employment status, and can even strip you of your gun rights. Don’t allow yourself to get talked into simply accepting a plea bargain before you have your case analyzed by an experienced, professional Denver domestic violence attorney.
Contact Michael Sheehan, Denver domestic violence attorney, today to discuss what defenses may be available in your domestic violence case.