Denver Theft Attorney
A theft charge can turn your entire world upside down, especially if you are convicted. Conviction in a theft crime means that you face penalties such as imprisonment, fines and restitution, as well as probation. These are difficult to accept, and can severely impact a person’s life for many years to come. This is why it’s imperative to have a skilled Denver theft attorney on your side that will protect your rights.
Facing criminal charges for theft?
Those charged theft crimes require a Denver theft attorney capable of producing positive results. Michael Sheehan has successfully handled many theft-related cases. He has the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to handle all forms of petty theft or grand theft charges in both state and federal court. Additionally, Michael will take on violent theft cases like robbery and carjacking that may have you facing many years in state prison.
A Denver Theft Attorney To Help You
Michael Sheehan strives to help individuals charged with misdemeanor and felony theft crimes approach the criminal justice system with the utmost confidence. He ensures that you are kept up-to-speed with the details of your case, and are knowledgeable about the proceedings. With his assistance, you could be able to avoid jail and other very serious consequences that come with a conviction. Michael Sheehan is dedicated to every single client, working tirelessly so that you are given the best possible legal representation possible.

If you’ve been charged with a theft crime in Denver, it’s imperative that you discuss your legal rights and options with a skilled Denver theft attorney. We understand fear and anxiety that clients deal with after being charged with theft related offenses, such as shoplifting or fraud. However, with strong, effective representation and guidance, clients have a much better chance of having serious charges reduced or dismissed altogether.
Contact Mr. Sheehan, Criminal Lawyer Denver, today to discuss what defenses may be available in your Burglary, Robbery, or Theft case. Michael Sheehan represents clients in Denver, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, or Jefferson County, and U.S. District Courts.