Denver Sex Crimes Attorney
If you are accused of, or are being investigated for a sex crime, it is absolutely necessary that you retain representation from a knowledgeable Denver sex crimes attorney. Police may use aggressive tactics in order to get a confession from you, and will investigate your life for periods of time that will invade your privacy and can potentially damage your reputation. Obtaining a lawyer can help protect your privacy during the investigation, as well as prevent you from incriminating yourself during interrogations and interviews.
Our Practice Areas
When you’ve been charged with a sex crime, it’s imperative to have strong representation from an experienced Denver sex crimes attorney. Michael Sheehan is committed to helping his clients fight their sex crime allegations and charges. Every case deserves up-close, personal attention and a thorough, detailed investigation of your case and the particulars surrounding it, as well as a well-planned and aggressive defense. The types of sex crimes we handle include:
- Sex Assault
- Unlawful Sexual Contact
- Sex Assault on a Child
- Sex Assault on a Child by one in a Position of Trust
- Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child
- Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
- Enticement of a Child
- Internet Luring of a Child
What are the biggest challenges you face in CO sex crime cases?
What is your experience in handling CO sex crime cases?

Michael Sheehan understands that those facing sex crime charges need a committed Denver sex crimes attorney on their side. He also knows that, given a proper defense, those accused stand a much greater chance of fighting their charges and avoiding the devastating consequences such as jail time and required sex offender registration.
Unfortunately, there have been far too many cases where people get convicted simply because of either a lack of effective representation, or because they were not able to be advised by an attorney early enough in the case. Our goal is to ensure that none of our clients ever have this experience.